Including God in Everything We Do


I’d like to introduce you to my friend Grace. She approached me a couple months ago with an offer to teach Holy Yoga to our local Faith Fusion community. I’ve taken yoga classes before, but what she was offering was a little bit different. A yoga practice that is centered on prayer and scripture reading from the Bible, and is accompanied by contemporary Christian music.

Holy Yoga Integrates Exercise, Worship and Life

At first I thought that Holy Yoga would be like a new flavor of ice cream, a different twist on something that was already good. I was pleasantly surprised by the evidence of the Holy Spirit the first time I practiced Holy Yoga with Grace; it was very special. Her prayer and choice of scripture spoke to my heart because it was relevant to my life at that moment.Holy Yoga class at Camp Aurora

As we moved through the practice the music surrounded and uplifted us in a very subtle way. Sometimes it was instrumental only, and sometimes the words would comfort or energise depending on the song. I was intrigued by the way the different types of music suited different postures. Even more than the music, Grace’s words throughout the practice gently bathed my body and soul with the heart of God.

Aside from describing and directing the movement into postures, Grace offered anecdotes as to how certain postures can help us relate to God more intimately or help us face life’s trials and tribulations. This was not a memorized or well rehearsed sermon, but rather a heartfelt testimony and sharing of her personal walk with Jesus, and it was meaningful to my life as well.

I’ve practiced with Grace several times now, one on one and in group settings. Each time my respect for this new way of practicing yoga increases. Just this week I watched her teach two large groups of kids at Camp Aurora and once again I felt moved by the way this practice is able to integrate the internal and external aspects of life.

Yoga for Every Body

I’ve always felt that yoga was a good thing, and a couple years ago I started taking classes again to deal with age related health issues. The practice increases flexibility, muscle strength and tone and relieves stress. Two of the fundamentals of a yoga practice are breath work and becoming aware of and releasing tension in the body.

Holy Yoga with GraceThere are many types of yoga ranging from Yin Yoga, which is restorative, to Hot Yoga which is intense (some would say brutal). A gentle practice is preferable for older adults or people with health issues, whereas physical fitness enthusiasts might enjoy a more gymnastic style. One of the greatest things about yoga as a form of exercise is that it’s adaptable for any physical needs.

Yoga for Mind and Soul

Some people mistakenly think that yoga is a religion. The word Yoga (योग), is a Sanskrit word with a general meaning of “connection, conjunction, attachment, union”: a generic term for several physical, mental, and philosophical disciplines originating in ancient India (Wikipedia). In general, the yoga that is practised in the West today is a far stretch from the original form.

In recent years many yoga studios blend Buddhist philosophical elements into their style. I see this as a natural merging of cultural and philosophical elements that complement each other. Holy Yoga brings Christianity into the mix, allowing the tradition of yoga as exercise to be enhanced by the spiritual tradition of Christianity. There is no conflict here, it is a beautiful fusion. 

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