Developing a Heart of Unconditional Love


On the 2nd and 4th Sunday’s of the month we meet in Nashua, NH for a small study group. We decided to call this group “The Unconditional Love Club” because we are all striving to develop a heart of unconditional love. To be able to love as God loves we have to rise above the patterns we have learned in the past and seek a higher perspective. We understand God to be our Heavenly Parent, but because we are raised in a world of limited love we may not fully understand the heart of our Divine Parent, God. Through this study group we are striving to expand our understanding so we can practice true love.

How real is your love?

A simple question reveals much. If you had two million dollars and a friend asked for help with a $100 loan, would there be any question in your mind as to whether you could give? The short answer is no. You would be more than happy to give because you have this huge reserve to draw on. When your emotional reserve is overflowing it doesn’t take much effort to love others.  This is why it’s important to let people into your life to fill up your bucket.

Love is a curious thing. It doesn’t obey normal physical laws. It’s counterintuitive. Author, Greg Baer notes that when you share Real Love with someone close to you, by the end of the interaction you will discover that you feel more love than when you started, even if that person gives you nothing in return.

In other words, the more Real Love you share, the more you will have! It’s a Principle of the universe. But to work, the Real Love has to be authentic, which means the love has to be of real benefit to the other person and given with no expectation of anything in return. Sounds easy but in real life it takes conscious thought to check yourself to see if you are secretly hoping or expecting something in return.

The philosophy of living for the sake of others is at the core of Rev Moon’s teachings:

“The ideal world is the one in which we live for the sake of others.” – SMM

It takes discipline to check-in on yourself, “Am I expecting anything back? Will I give less next time if I get nothing in return? Authentic love can’t be developed without self-reflection and correction. In religious terms this is known as repentance, which is simply a process of realizing where we are lacking in heart and changing for the better.

Love thrives on circular motion

Those who spent time with Rev. Moon often heard him talk about circular motion. It was a theme of his. Love is not a linear process, even though those of us who are logical would like it to be so.  If it were, it would be a simple matter to track our love from point A to B. But it’s not so!

Love is generated through circular motion.  The important thing about a circle is that it has no beginning or end. This is God’s genius – love can be generated at any point in the circle or relationship. You don’t have to wait until you feel sufficiently loved to be able to love.

Circle of love

Love could start at the point of “seeing” that is, really looking to understand the other, or being honest enough to tell the truth about where you are at mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually.  Seeing allows compassion to generate love within your heart, which fosters the ability to accept others, regardless of their circumstance. Giving acceptance stimulates reciprocal love and circular motion. In God’s cycle of love you are always in the position to generate energy, no matter your starting point.

“The more love is given, the more it increases. Therefore, eternity comes from love alone.” – SMM

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