Unity Is The Alpha and Omega

Sunday study

My message today is about the significance and value of UNITY, and what that means in our day to day life. Jesus said:

“For where two or three have gathered together in my name, I am there in their midst.“ – Matt. 18-20

Have you ever wondered what exactly Jesus meant by this? We just assume that this spiritual thing happens where Jesus is drawn to people who are thinking about him. It’s more than that though. When two or more unite, centered on a higher purpose, something dynamic and creative happens. The spirit of God dwells in unity centered on a higher purpose.

The Model of How the Universe Functions

We take unity for granted, but in fact, it’s the basis of all existence. You exist, I exist, everything exists because of unity. From the outer reaches of the cosmos to the smallest grain of sand on earth unity is happening constantly – it has to or the universe would self destruct.

The sustainability of the whole planet depends on every particle and element seeking a bond or relationship with others. Most of this happens automatically by design, that’s why we take it for granted. However, human beings have the free will to create unity by our own choice. That’s what makes us co-creators, or children of God.

This is the key to how the entire universe functions and when we understand it deeply, it changes the way we behave.

Quantum Physics and Intelligent Design

Quantum physics has been leading science toward the belief in intelligent design because of the discovery that all energy is connected. Science is causing us to rethink everything we thought we knew. Here’s a great documentary called Quantum Theory

Because we can now study and measure things that we couldn’t see before, the fields of natural and alternative medicines have advanced by leaps and bounds. This is because natural and alternative medicine is based in the ancient wisdom of the study of life force, chi or prana. From the Divine Principle we understand that energy is the result of give and take between +/-.

The value of meditation, prayer, acts of service and love, can be measured because it’s all energy. We can measure the changes that happen in the brain and body when people do these things. What mystics and spiritual healers have always known is finally being validated. So, the more deeply people understand G & T action and unity, the more quickly humankind will advance.

When two or more seek mutual benefit or a higher purpose all kinds of good things happen:

  • Harmony
  • Peace
  • Creativity
  • Development
  • Excitement (Joy)
  • Contentment (Happiness)
  • Fulfillment (mutual prosperity)

Everyone wants peace, right? Everyone wants happiness. Complete peace and happiness can not exist outside of unity.

Why People Struggle With Unity

The world is a mess with disunity. If people don’t understand and value it, then separation becomes the norm. We cling to our personal viewpoints and feelings as if they were God. If people can’t find a higher vision and motivation for coming together despite differences, then problems arise.

Taichi yin and yangUnity means two or more become one, but it does not mean two or more become the same. Instead, 2 becoming 1 = 3, the third element being the unity of the two. Such as, a man and a woman become a couple. They are still a unique man and a unique woman but when they unite they become a third entity, a unique couple. Here are some other examples:

  • Yin and Yang remain separate entities but exist in oneness as the Great Ultimate.
  • Your mind and body are two different things, but they don’t exist apart from each other.
  • The universe exists because of (+/–) on a multitude of levels seeking mutually beneficial relationships

For any kind of unity to happen there has to be giving and receiving.

Lasting Unity vs Temporary Unity

Every entity has the ability to both give and receive. Each side has to seek mutual benefit – or benefit for the other – for lasting unity to happen. What if your mind decided it didn’t need your body, or visa-versa?

If either or both sides are focused more on self benefit, then the unity will be short term. Sometimes short term is okay, like when you want to buy a car and someone wants to sell a car. But, if the seller just wants to make money any way he can then he’s going to sell you whatever he can get away with. On the other hand, if the seller wants a return customer then he’s going to be more interested in selling you a good car, right?

Lasting unity happens when we put the greater good first.

Disunity Comes From Self-Centered Focus

Unfortunately, people mostly function from self-interest, both consciously and subconsciously. That’s where all the problems come from.

Unity has to have a central point, a common purpose that brings two or more parties together. Unity can happen centered on a higher purpose or a lower purpose. The Gang Of Youths Fightinglower purpose is self preservation, and that does have a place in the Universe. But when self-preservation or self-interest is out of balance, when it becomes the most important thing, it creates conflict.

When conflict goes unresolved it creates a state of disunity on some level, which results in pervasive problems like:

  • Mental Illness
  • Physical Illness
  • Poverty
  • Hunger
  • Crime
  • War
  • Endangered Environment

All of these problems are a result of human imbalance with the natural order and processes of the universe. The natural order of the universe is that the lower purpose serves or supports the higher purpose. At the same time, the higher purpose embraces the lower purpose. Everything in the universe exists for a higher purpose, and everything is connected. That’s a very intelligent design, don’t you think?

The Bible and the Divine Principle teach us that every time there was a problem in God’s providence, or in human history, it was because of disunity with God, or disunity between people – people chose the limited self interest over the greater good.

The Process of Creating Unity

Unity is a state of being, but there is a process of uniting that is called Unification. The Unification Movement was created by Rev. Moon to initiate unity between people of all races, nations, religions, and ideologies. To initiate unity between young and old, male and female, east and west, north and south, rich and poor, science and religion, mind and body, God and people, and even – democrats and republicans.

seedlingUnification is a process of growth, creation, learning or seeking.  It’s the original way of life. A plant grows because it seeks unity with the sunlight. Through a relationship with the sun and the earth the plant flourishes. So too, when you seek unity with God and others centered on a higher ideal, you can flourish.

  • Unity within the self to become a Temple of God
  • Unity with others – family, friends, community, business, society, world
  • Unity with all things – taking care of the environment and all living things

How you accomplish these things is your unique path, and it’s a path of personal maturity; as Jesus said, “love one another as I have loved you”.

Rev. Moon once said, “Unity is the beginning point of love.” This is the way he and his wife lived, and this is the central point of all their teachings.

The Kingdom of God is in the midst of you

Unity is more important than your opinion, it’s more important than your feelings, and it’s more important than your personal experience. Because your opinion, feelings, and personal experience are biased; they usually don’t embrace the whole picture.

I’d like to ask you to not take unity for granted. Study it, pray about it, look for examples of how it works in life, and what interferes with unity. Imagine other people’s lives being changed for the better because you have been seeking unity with your higher purpose. The possibilities for the expansion of goodness are endless based on unity. So I encourage you, in every aspect of your life discover the value of unity, understand it and make it a priority.

(These are excerpts from the Sunday Message, an audio version of the whole message will be available soon.)

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