Human Contradiction Between Mind and Body

How do you reconcile the idea of a loving God with the reality of the suffering we see in the world today? The Divine Principle provides insight into the biblical account of Adam and Eve. What do you think is the real meaning of that story?

Lasting Imprint Session 6 – Human Contradiction

The Divine Principle states that the fundamental human contradiction exists in the disconnection between mind and body. We struggle to do the right thing, or to love others. We choose to unite with selfish thoughts and emotions even when our conscience tells us we’re wrong. Where did this nature come from?

“What kind of God is our Father? He has walked the most tragic path through the course of history. He has suffered tragedies more horrible than any human tragedy. When God saw His children languishing in sorrow, suffering and despair, He did not say “You deserve it.” Our Father worked to save His children pierced with sorrow by placing Himself in greater sorrow; He worked to save His children moaning in pain by going to a place of even greater pain. He did not hesitate even to go to His death to save His children who were on the verge of death.” 2/28/60

“Regard yourself as the problem. You can be your own worst enemy. If you cannot unite your mind and body, you become your own enemy.” 6/ 5/83

“What was the forbidden fruit? What sort of fruit could cause countless generations of humanity to groan in misery? Why would God create a fruit that could cause misery, destruction and war? My teaching is logical: the fruit is a symbol for love. So many evils spring from love. From love can spring either good or evil fruit, therefore it is called “the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil.” 6/5/83

“Love is supposed to bring human beings to perfection. However, when something goes wrong with love, even God steps back…In this respect, we discover that something went wrong with love. Nothing else could become such a serious problem for God, for humankind, and for history. The failure of love was the greatest catastrophe in the whole universe.” 6/5/83

“Where are the roots of God’s grief? They are inside us. They are inside our nation, this world and all things of creation. We must carry on a movement to eradicate them and restore God’s joy.” 3/2/58

Sun Myung Moon

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