More Than Marriage: Love as God Intended

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A small but powerful book about the meaning and value of love between a man and a woman. It explains in plain language the intention of creating love as God intended through the blessing of marriage.

By understanding the nature of God’s love, we can unfold our own true potential in loving relationships. We can discover the source and value of the qualities that allow love to be the kind of love we hope for, which is unchanging, absolute, eternal and unique. Marriage takes on new meaning and depth when we understand the sacredness of the bond between a man and a woman.

How Do We Create Love that Lasts?

More Than Marriage addresses important questions such as how do we define love? The author, Heather Thalheimer, probes our greatest uncertainty: is lasting love even possible?

Here is an excerpt from the book:

“Being able to define the love between a man and a woman as unchanging, absolute, eternal and unique allows us to reflect on our experiences of love and know when it was, or is, true. This definition or blueprint also establishes a goal for love. We may not be experiencing love in all of these aspects completely right now, but this gives us a plan on which to build real love because we understand its four essential component parts.

Everyone’s greatest desire in life is to love and be loved. You don’t have to think about it to know this is true. It’s a natural and universal longing. But knowing what you want, by itself, is not enough to accomplish your goals when it comes to love.

All kinds of love exist in the world today but that doesn’t mean they are all good or true. We know this because some love relationships can end up hurting, degrading or limiting you. These and other negative outcomes are not part of the original love that your mind and heart desire. Instead, people find themselves in relationships that don’t bring out the best in themselves or their partner. However, we intuitively know we deserve a deeper, richer love.

Our highest ideals originate in God; the author of love. It is interesting that the love that we all long for, regardless of our cultural background or up-bringing, reflects God’s nature and heart, which is unchanging, absolute, eternal and unique.

However, when we look around us we don’t see love as God intended. The problem with broken love is not a new one. History is full of tragic stories of corrupted love. If you decide to pursue the ideal of love, it helps to understand why love can go wrong and, more importantly, how to help it go right. To fully comprehend difficulty, you must get to the root or origin of a particular problem. When you trace problems in families you inevitably go back in time and uncover lineal threads that hold secrets and unhealthy patterns of behavior.”

More Than MarriageMore Than Marriage explores the origins of the breakdown in human relationships. It reveals how what we have learned through spiritual traditions intersects with new scientific understanding and points humanity to a place of growth and healing.

Additionally, More Than Marriage asks familiar questions such as why does it make a difference to include God in your relationship? You can read Liam’s answer to this question on page 13.

A New Perspective on Love

More Than Marriage seeks to offer new perspectives on age-old questions about love. The book offers insights based on the wisdom of Rev and Mrs. Moon who have spent their lives in search of God’s heart and a way to bridge the gap between God and humanity. The Holy Marriage Blessing is offered as a framework to purify the corrupted love that steals people’s lives, and re-establish the foundation to receive God’s original love. Rev. and Mrs. Moon believe that the ultimate purpose of spirituality, religion and faith traditions, as well as the motivation of people of conscience, is to restore truly loving men and women, emotionally and spiritually healthy families and, by extension, a peaceful world.

To learn more go to You can download the book or order a copy. We’d love to hear your thoughts on how to repair love and find true love in your life. Contact Heather Thalheimer at

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