What is Faith Fusion?

about Faith FusionFaith Fusion is an online and local community of people invested in spiritual growth. We believe the practice of faith is essential to life. Wherever you are in the world, you can feel free to dialogue with us.

We are a community of people who:

    • believe that God is the parent of all humankind
    • respect all faith traditions
    • come from many different backgrounds and cultures
    • believe that positive change in our lives comes through spiritual growth
    • practice world peace by living with the consciousness of being one family under God
  • are associated with the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification

We have something new to offer. God is working in the world right now, and in each of our lives. Our job is to be open to the ways that God would lead us, and share with each other. Those who choose to learn with us, feel refreshed, and discover a new relationship with God and others.

Non-Profit Status

NH Faith Fusion is a local ministry of HSA-UWC, a 501C3 non-profit religious organization.

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