Lasting Imprint DVD Series Order Form for Canada

Lasting Imprint is a series offered as an introduction to the content of the Divine Principle, the teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Designed for independent and group study, the series contains thirteen twenty-five minute sessions, and a study guide with questions and further reading. Sessions 1 through 5 discuss the original human design, the nature of God, human beings and the universe. Sessions 6 and 7 discuss the cause of crime or human deviation, and sessions 8 through 10 discuss the way in which God and human beings partner to resolve the suffering of humanity. Sessions 11 through 13 present a method by which we can see the pattern and direction of God’s work through history.

The Lasting Imprint series is presented by Phillip Schanker and was recorded at a seminar/workshop in Manchester, NH.

  • A tax deductible donation of $35 plus $10 shipping is requested to cover production costs. Use the shopping cart below the image.
  • For mail orders, please send your request with a check or money order to: Heather Thalheimer, 1011 Montalona Rd., Dunbarton, NH 03046, USA.

Lasting Imprint
Lasting Imprint
Lasting Imprint is a series offered as an introduction to the content of the Divine Principle, the teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

Thank you for your tax deductible donation.

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