Marriage Blessing

God’s Love Empowers Marriage

Every religion and culture honors marriage and family in varying forms. Marriage propels people into a whole new experience of love.WFWPU symb Through the love relationship between a man and a woman, a couple can grow closer to God because together they naturally reflect the masculinity and femininity within our Heavenly Parent.

Marriages do best when connected to the source of love. God’s love empowers couples with the ‘true love’ that men and women need to carry them through the realities of life together. Without tapping into this source of love, men and women come up short on the ability to give and forgive, serve one another, and be steadfast and faithful throughout the years.

To try to realize the fullness of marital love without God’s blessing and love as a foundation can be fraught with difficulties, as evidenced by the high divorce rate in most developed nations and the incredible pain people visit upon one another when they try to love without a spiritual basis of respect and fidelity, in a committed and lasting relationship.

More Than a Marriage

lasting loveThe Marriage Blessing, established by Rev and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon, is  an inter-religious affirmation of the universal importance of marriage and family, more fundamental than even our various faith traditions. The Marriage Blessing is much more than a wedding ceremony. It is an instrument of salvation and healing. Since 1992, clergy and members from many faiths have participated in the International and Inter-religious Marriage Blessing Ceremony. Through participating in one of these unique wedding ceremonies, couples publicly demonstrate that true love in marriage is the key to a peaceful world. Married couples join to rededicate their love to God and each other, renewing their marriage to become a part of this historical transformation.

Whether you are a married couple seeking to infuse new life into your relationship, or you are single and looking for a more promising approach to marriage, receiving the Marriage Blessing is your opportunity to experience love as God intended.blessing rings 2


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