The Relentless Love of God

Mother Teresa

“The beauty of empowering others is that your own power is not diminished in the process.” – Barbara Colorose

“You must shed many tears before you are able to move others to tears.” – Sun Myung Moon


A prayer quoted from “Mother of Peace: And God Shall Wipe Away All Tears from Their Eyes”:

“You want us to know You as our Heavenly Parent, the One who is the love of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. You want us to live as heavenly individuals, heavenly families, heavenly tribes, heavenly peoples and heavenly nations in a heavenly world. The fallen world lost Your ideal of man-woman oneness, and worshiped an incomplete image of the Heavenly Father rather than welcoming and attending Heavenly Parent. Men took the dominant position and shaped Western civilization through the Hellenic and Hebraic traditions. Neither men nor women understood the feminine heart of Heavenly Mother and the perfect eternal love of Heavenly Parent. Lacking this existential awareness, the feminist movement that erupted in the West could not but degenerate into a one-note movement blaming men for all problems. For this reason, I am investing everything to restore to You Your original position as our Heavenly Parent. I travel to the north, south, east and west in order to teach the truth of Heaven’s providence to those who have ears but have not heard, and those who have eyes but have not seen. With a desperate and urgent heart, as if searching for a needle in the midst of a sandstorm while unable to see an inch in front of me, I proclaim the truth of Heaven’s providence. Like a person who is beside herself with desperation, I embrace the world again and again, loving all Your children as my own. With my whole heart I embrace even those among Your children who, unaware of the truth, have misunderstood and even persecuted me. As I do, You heal the wounds that they inflict.” – Hak Ja Han Moon

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