Charity of all Faiths

The Common Ground of Charity 

Blessed is he who considers the poor; the Lord delivers him in the day of trouble. – Psalm 41.1, Judaism and Christianity

They feed with food the needy wretch, the orphan, and the prisoner, for love of Him, saying, “We wish for no reward nor thanks from you.” – Qur’an 76.8-9, Islam

Charity–to be moved at the sight of the thirsty, the hungry, and the miserable and to offer relief to them out of pity–is the spring of virtue. – Kundakunda, Pancastikaya 137, Jainism

Relieve people in distress as speedily as you must release a fish from a dry rill [lest he die]. Deliver people from danger as quickly as you must free a sparrow from a tight noose. Be compassionate to orphans and relieve widows. Respect the old and help the poor. – Tract of the Quiet Way, Taoism

Let the rich man satisfy one who seeks help; and let him look upon the long view: For wealth revolves like the wheels of a chariot, coming now to one, now to another. – Rig Veda 10.117.1-6, Hinduism

When the Holy One loves a man, He sends him a present in the shape of a poor man, so that he should perform some good deed to him, through the merit of which he may draw a cord of grace. – Genesis 104a, Judaism. Zohar

There are three kinds of persons existing in the world: one is like a drought, one who rains locally, and one who pours down everywhere.

How is a person like a drought? He gives nothing to all alike, not giving food and drink, clothing and vehicle, flowers, scents and unguents, bed, lodging and light, neither to recluses and brahmins nor to wretched and needy beggars. In this way, a person is like a drought.

How is a person like a local rainfall? He is a giver to some, but to others he gives not…. In this way, a person is like a local rain- fall.

How does a person rain down everywhere? He gives to all, be they recluses and brahmins or wretched, needy beggars; he is a giver of food and drink, clothing… lodging and lights. In this way a person rains down everywhere. – Itivuttaka 65, Buddhism

Love is a Verb

Love is the root of religions because creation itself is an act of love. We exist because of love and are meant to live in love. Charity is the expression of loving care toward others.

Realize that everything you do is dedicated to God and for the benefit of the whole. When you live for the whole, you forget about yourself by serving your fellow human beings. When you serve others, you are serving God. Everything is so intimately connected that you cannot differentiate one from the other. God is in you and you are in God. God is in everything and everyone. Because of this, God is in your neighbor, in your friend as well as in your enemy. Wherever God is, there is love, because God is love. Fill your heart and your mind with love. Love brings out the very best from everyone. Where love is, God’s spirit is and where God’s spirit is, the source of your spiritual life is. – Unificationism, Sun Myung Moon


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