The Creating Happiness Principle

happy police

A Principle that Causes Happiness? 

I’ll start off by clarifying the main point: Happiness is a state of mind & heart. It can not be bought, sold, manufactured or forced in an external way. So how does a principle relate to happiness, since a principle is basically like a law? 

Laws create happiness? Not really my experience, although they do create order and allow things to function smoothly, or peacefully, when people obey them. Okay, so laws can contribute to happiness.

A principle is different from an external law that people create, in that it’s more like an invisible structure that upholds the universe. Human life, all life, as part of the universe, functions according to principles. We know this intuitively. Scientists seek to understand the structure and functioning of the universe while religious people and mystics seek the invisible cause and motivation. Either way, we are all seeking greater understanding in order to enhance our ability to maintain happiness.

What is the Secret to Happiness?

Do we create it, or is it the result of something? The questions around obtaining and maintaining a happy state of mind are similar to the age old philosophical question “Why am I here?” or “What is the purpose of life?” It is connected to the universal human desire for “freedom”, “peace” and “contentment”.

The Divine Principle states that the purpose of life is joy. That statement sounds simple, but taken out of context it could be applied in a disastrous way; as in “my joy is more important than your joy”. Not a win-win attitude. Is life set up to function on a win-win principle? Now that’s an idea worth considering.

Winning the Win-Win War

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone in the world thought in terms of win-win? What’s good for you is good for me; hurting you will hurt me; helping you will help me, etc. End of war, let’s all work together. Intuitively we know this is right but it’s a constant battle to maintain such an attitude and to get others to buy into it. So often people just give up and and focus on their own needs.

quality of mind- deepakBut the universe is set up and structured on a win-win principle. It exists, maintains and perpetuates life in this way; because if it didn’t, it would eventually self destruct. Like people who destroy themselves and each other through terrorism, war, and all manner of crime and oppression. Crazy. Why are people so stupid?

Because they don’t know their own nature or the nature of life. Every person who becomes more clear about life’s value, purpose and potential contributes to creating a better world. Unfortunately the opposite is also true, that internally ignorant and confused people are like mini time bombs set to cause suffering for themselves and others at some point.

Everything is black & white, really.

Creating happiness is all about relationship, within myself and with everyone and everything else in my life. Relationships function on the basis of subject and object partners, subject being initiative and object being receptive. Like concave & convex, or + and – electrical charges. I’m not talking about good & evil, that’s a whole different subject matter for a later post.

Look at this black & white picture. What do you see?faces Black & white are equal, opposite, and they both need each other to uphold the design or produce the image. If you see 2 faces facing each other that means the black is in the subject position in your view. If you see a white vase, then the white is the subject of your view. Either one can be subject or object at any time. Their relationship is dynamic, each has equal value but serves a different purpose at different times. A simplistic example.

Wouldn’t it be lovely if we understood this idea in more depth and could apply it.

Life is not so black & white, you say; there is so much gray area. Not really, actually there’s a lot of color, shade, hue, all kinds of variation that makes life amazing and wonderful. But no matter how much colorful variation there is in life, subject and object still apply.

Even sacrificing oneself (voluntarily) for another, if it serves a higher purpose, is one aspect of the subject/object relationship. It’s still a win-win if something greater evolves from the sacrifice. Sometimes you have to let go of your concepts in order to understand a bigger idea. Letting go can be creative, but the trick is knowing when to do it and when not to.

imagesLife exists, maintains and develops based on this harmonious and creative relationship. Male and female, + and -, originates in God, the creator of it all. Whether you want to call it God, goddess, or yin & yang doesn’t really matter; what’s important is understanding the value of complementary parts. Understanding that we were made for each other, for a beneficial and creative relationship.

Happiness is generated in harmonious relationship, through giving and receiving, interacting, and creating.

“Unity of subject and object is the beginning point of love” – SMM

This series Part 1- Power of the Principle

This series Part 3 – The God Creating Happiness Principle

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  1. Power of the Principle - New Series - Faith Fusion - October 29, 2013

    […] Stay tuned for part 1: God, goddess, or both? […]

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